The World Is Waking

In the fifth blog of our series with Alex Hurt, she explores the topic of emotional awareness and guidance as the world of retail opens up and some of us start to return to work, as well as celebrating Father’s Day on the 21st June.

So.. curl up with your favourite wellness tea, light a candle and read Alex’s musings to put a smile on your face and some goodness into your day.

The world is waking up, it’s a little grumpy and lethargic. The shops have finally opened as we see the doors welcoming us to our favourite retailers, we also see those gigantic lines. I can’t but help thinking, I’d rather stay locked down without the hassle. However, the last few weeks have brought unrest, fraught views, some peaceful and some not so peaceful protests.. the worlds alarm is definitely going off, and it’s one giant wake up call. Are we slowly easing our way back? For some this will be harder than others, however I think we can most definitely expect mixed emotions over the coming weeks, along with some aches, pains and tiredness as we move from one phase to the next.

For a little emotional guidance post pandemic, I think we all need a helping hand… so I would like to introduce you to my wellness tea choice is Balance tea – an emotional rock of a tea, infused with raspberry leaf which helps to ease those monthly cramps. This stunning unique blend also with lime flower is the ultimate ingredient to reduce high blood pressure, nervous tension, headaches and even digestive issues. No matter how you’re feeling right now, this beautiful blend is your best friend!

As the new dawn approaches and we navigate our way through our own emotions it got me thinking, how on earth are we going to fair getting back into a routine? How will we ever get up when the alarm goes off, dress in anything other than elasticated clothes and get anywhere before lunch time?  That’s all before we can even consider going back to work 8 plus hours a day. I am exhausted just thinking about it. Since we have all been lockdown, we have been moving about less (apart from all the people who have taken up running and cycling- maniacs!) I for one have noticed joint stiffness more than ever, and when chatting with friends so have they. Some days I can be full of beans and others I get tired tying my shoelaces and frankly I am a little concerned of how I will ever leave the house.

For many of us this has been a time of reflection, the place we have tried to find the route to for years. The time this has allowed us to spend either alone with our thoughts, and indeed our organisational house and garden creation skills, or time with your nearest, and dare I say dearest after being locked in? So, how does one prepare to wake up? Do you just do it? Can you go from 0-60? I am afraid I can’t. I can share with you that immunity is EVERYTHING! Whether that be what you put in your body to strengthen it, or your mind… think about it.  Are you taking vitamins?  A vitamin rich diet, doesn’t necessarily include cake mixture, however it does include all that is leafy and green. If you haven’t thought about how to build yourself up, then perhaps start to consider vitamin C with zinc – perfect immunity booster, magnesium for the mind, omega 3 for the joints as a starting point.  You will need strength to return, and more than you can possibly imagine.

Emotionally I think we all miss the interaction and routine that our previous lives provided. The getting up and showing up and even the dressing up for a sense of purpose. These days I’ve never seen so many well-dressed people at the supermarket. Now I’m expecting to see a catwalk on the high street! I find a bright lip shade brings sunshine to the party, and when I’m feeling like a need a pick-me-up ill always reach for red (lipstick that is). The ‘new normal‘ is about perspective, and how we all interpret ‘the rules’. I think the best way is to take small steps and identify the risk.  It’s pretty simple, don’t go where lots of people are if you can avoid it. If you can’t, then be aware of the risks, measure them and take them only when necessary. If you are tubing it, or using public transport it is really the time to think about building immunity. Immunity teas, essential oils and vitamins are key, along with your PPE. Bergamot, grapefruit, lavender, lemon, myrrh, rosemary, tea tree, thyme are all essential oils to use in a burner or mix with a carrier oil to assist with immunity. Just 3-5 drops in a burner or an electric diffuser will work. Nature is nurture after all.

Healthy Immunity Tea is ideal to have at work and makes for a refreshing break in your day.  Packed with anti-viral and anti-bacterial ingredients it’s also ideal for hangovers. Warm, sweet and woody, this hibiscus and ginger mix calms the mind and supports the body.

The World Is Waking

The waking ritual… you knew it was coming.

  1. Set your alarm – this is a practice run.
  2. Get up, yes, you have to.
  3. Breakfast – not the lazy Saturday kind.
  4. Get dressed in something that has a zip or buttons.
  5. Leave the house before 9am.
  6. Are you tired yet?
  7. Eat lunch but don’t sit down for an afternoon nap- where ever you are.
  8. Make sure you take some deep breaths about 3.30pm you are still out of the house.
  9. I hope you’ve packed a drink to keep you going… perhaps a chilled wellness tea?
  10. Positive podcast on the way home… Happy Place with Fearne Cotton is a firm favourite.
  11. You did it! Now cook dinner.

Whatever your day looks like, give a day a purpose and get practicing for work or perhaps you’ve now returned to work? This time has been a tonic, juxtaposed with disaster, so it’s very difficult to wrap your head around it.  Mental wellness is now key, so as we warm up, along with the summer for the world waking, be kind to yourself, be patient and be good to your body.  You only get one, and your mind will control your body so be selective about what you listen to. Remember what you learned in lockdown, what you enjoyed; don’t let that go.

Annnnd a special reminder… it’s Father’s Day on June 21st!  For dads, or dad like figures that love a cup of tea there’s some amazing choices with Camelia’s Wellness Tea Gift Ideas. Until next time… Happy shopping!

Continue your Wellness Journey with Alex’s sixth blog Great Skin Begins Within.


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