
Feeling emotional or depressed can be due to many reasons such as hormone fluctuations, low energy/lack of sleep and stress and anxiety. Studies have found that polyphenols in tea and certain herbs can boost the chemicals in the brain associated with positive moods.
Camellia’s White Jasmine and Apricot
Uplifting and indulgent, this gentle blend of white and green…
From £7.95
Camellia’s White Jasmine and Apricot - Teabags
Uplifting and indulgent, this gentle blend of white and green…
From £7.95
Uplifting and floral, this Gold Taste Award winning handmade blend…
From £6.95
Refreshing and uplifting, this handmade blend is packed with vitamins…
From £6.95
Muscle Ease
Refreshing and zesty, this handmade blend is packed with vitamins…
From £6.95
Sleep Well
Soothing and naturally sweet, this Gold Taste Award winning handmade…
From £6.95
Sleep Well - Teabags
Soothing and naturally sweet, this Gold Taste Award winning handmade…
From £7.99
Naturally sweet and soothing, this handmade blend is packed with…
From £6.95
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