My Journey Through Menopause

Hi, I’m Lubna, co-founder and tea creator for Camellia’s Tea House, where wellness is my passion and my craft. With 30 years of experience in the wellness world, I pour my heart into creating bespoke teas for our spa and F&B clients—a job I truly love.

Back in 2022, I shared a blog post on “fighting inflammation,” where I opened up about my personal health goals: losing 15 pounds, reducing body inflammation by improving my diet and lifestyle, cutting back on caffeine, switching to herbal teas, and reducing stress and anxiety through daily exercise and meditation.

So, where am I today? Well, I’m thrilled to share that I’ve lost over 15 pounds in the past 12 months! With this weight loss, I’ve noticed a significant reduction in body inflammation and visceral fat. But the journey hasn’t been easy and neither is it complete.

From 2020 to 2023, I struggled with severe menopause symptomsskin rashes, allergies, deep anxiety, insomnia, hot flushes, joint pain, brain fog, mood swings, and the dreaded weight gain, especially around my bloated stomach. To make matters more challenging, I was diagnosed with hyperlipidaemia (very high cholesterol), likely triggered by menopause. But today, I’m proud to say that my menopause symptoms have improved by 80%. It’s been a long road, but I’m living proof that with perseverance and the right strategies, you can make incredible strides in your health. I hope that by sharing my journey, I can inspire you to start or continue on your own path to wellness.

So, how did it all start? Well, 2022 was a washout! It began with all the right intentions—proper supplementation, cutting out inflammatory and junk foods, and ramping up my exercise routine. But life threw me some curveballs. With travel plans piling up, the challenge of diminishing oestrogen levels, and my lifelong love affair with food, my motivation started to wane. Staying on the wellness path became harder and harder. I found myself feeling low, hopeless, and utterly depressed. It felt like a dark cloud had settled over me, and I was trapped in a body that didn’t feel like my own. As if that wasn’t enough, my allergies, and the relentless hives made everyday life unbearable.

Through research, I realised I wasn’t alone. Colleagues were going through similar struggles, and menopause forums were filled with women facing the same battles. I began to understand that what I was experiencing was part of the natural transition of midlife changes. But something had to change. I needed relief, not just for myself, but also to support other women on this journey.

So, What are The Most Common Symptoms of Menopause?

As a team, we engaged in extensive conversations with women through our spa connections, family, friends, and online forums. We identified the most problematic symptoms of menopause, which include hot flushes, mood swings, depression, anxiety, insomnia, weight gain, bloating, brain fog, and skin eruptions. These symptoms are not just inconvenient but can significantly impact the quality of life.

Feeling a deep sense of responsibility to help, I was compelled to create a therapeutic tea that could offer some relief. I partnered with a scientist specialising in metabolomics and nutrigenomics. Together, we explored the complex interplay between genetics, nutrition, and metabolism to develop a formula. We carefully compiled a list of medicinal botanicals that not only complement each other but also have the potential to modulate symptoms associated with menopause. The result of our collaboration is Meno Balance tea—a blend designed to help soothe the challenges that many women face during this transition.

During the development stage of Meno Balance tea, I decided to take a natural approach to my well-being and healing journey. I started with intermittent fasting, beginning with a 14-hour fasting window and gradually extending it to 18 hours daily. During this fasting window, I committed to exercising five times a week, incorporating weight training three times per week.

During my eating hours, I focused on avoiding carbs but allowed myself small portions of rice on occasion. My diet mainly consisted of steamed fish or chicken paired with plenty of mixed vegetables. For snacks, I enjoyed homemade seeded crackers and oat cookies, which I prepared with no added fat and just a touch of honey for sweetness. Instead of using oil, I used chia seeds to bind the ingredients. As a result, I started to see the weight drop off.

To take my fasting further, I challenged myself to a 3-day fast, consuming only water, black, green, and herbal tea. For extra support, I included electrolytes—opting for those without sugar. This fast was incredibly challenging, especially when I had to cook for my family, but it was a crucial step in my journey towards better health.

As part of my wellness journey, I embarked on a comprehensive liver and gut cleanse—a three-week program designed in collaboration with a functional doctor. The goal was to reset and rejuvenate my system, starting with a liver flush followed by a gut and heavy metal cleanse.

Week 1: Liver Flush

The first week was dedicated to flushing out the liver. My diet was restricted to green juices and vegetables, complemented by supportive minerals and herbal teas to aid detoxification. Each morning, I started with Digest and Energise and Immunity teas to kickstart my metabolism. In the afternoon, I switched to Cleanse, a blend specifically formulated with liver-supporting herbs. By late afternoon or early evening, I turned to Meno Balance for hormonal support, rounding off the day with Relax and Recover to unwind and prepare for restful sleep.

Weeks 2 & 3: Gut and Heavy Metal Cleanse

The following two weeks focused on cleansing the gut and eliminating heavy metals. The dietary regimen remained largely the same, with the addition of small amounts of healthy fats, grains, and meat broth to support the gut lining and provide essential nutrients. I continued drinking the same teas to maintain the therapeutic effects and support my body through the cleanse.

During this phase, we targeted gut bacteria and parasites, recognising that imbalances in these areas can be root causes of many diseases. Alongside the dietary and tea regimen, mineral supplements were prescribed to promote cell regeneration, and I incorporated breathing techniques, such as the Wim Hof method, to enhance oxygenation and reduce stress. Regular meditation and exercise were also integral parts of this program, helping to align the body, mind, and spirit during the cleanse.

Where My Health Stands Today & Foods to Avoid

Today, I can genuinely say that my health has taken a remarkable turn for the better. The menopausal flushes are now a thing of the past, joint inflammation and pain have significantly decreased, skin outbreaks have reduced, and my digestive system is functioning smoothly, with no more bloating. My anxiety levels have diminished, and I’m enjoying better quality sleep. While I’m still addressing some lingering brain fog and working to completely eliminate inflammation, I remain hopeful that this will also help in settling the autoimmune issues I’ve battled for most of my life. My cholesterol levels have improved, though they still require a bit more time to reach optimal levels.

When it comes to my diet, I’ve found that avoiding certain foods has been key to maintaining these health improvements. Cow dairy, gluten, starchy carbs, and sugary foods are best left out of my diet. While I do allow myself the occasional treat, my overall diet keeps me feeling healthy and happy. A wonderful side effect of this journey is that my family has also embraced healthier, more mindful eating habits.

Looking ahead, I plan to continue with intermittent fasting and will challenge myself with 3-day water fasts every six months to reset and recharge my body. These practices have become an integral part of my lifestyle, and I’m committed to them for the long term.


This journey has been one of perseverance, learning, and gradual transformation. By adopting a holistic approach that includes dietary changes, intermittent fasting, exercise, and targeted wellness practices, I’ve been able to reclaim my health and improve my quality of life. The challenges I faced, particularly those related to menopause, have not only made me more resilient but have also inspired me to help others on similar journeys.

I believe that health is a continuous journey, not a destination. While there are still areas I’m working on, the progress I’ve made serves as a testament to the power of commitment and the body’s ability to heal when given the right tools and support. I hope that by sharing my story, I can encourage others to take charge of their health, make informed choices, and embark on their own path to wellness.

Remember, it’s never too late to start, and every small step counts. Your body is your most valuable asset—treat it with the care and respect it deserves.


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