What is Keemun Tea?

The story of tea begun in ancient China and its true origins are steeped in wondrous myths and legends. It is no wonder then that, over the course of many centuries, China has managed to produce literally hundreds of different teas. Although green tea has always been the beverage of choice there, it is the black teas for which China is most famous in the West.
One such popular black Chinese tea is Keemun. The name derives from the place where it was first grown – Qimen in Anhui province, located in central China. Keemun was one of the first teas to be brought to the West in the 17th century and nowadays is considered to be the elite of the Chinese teas, making it one of the most popular teas grown in the Anhui province.
Our organically cultivated Keemun produces a lovely coppery brew, with a sweet and floral aroma and a winy, fruity flavour. Due to its distinctive, but balanced taste it has become a base for many popular teas, for example English Breakfast.
Keemun, with its rich warm flavour and beautiful liquor, is bound to be a real treat for all the tea lovers. Yet, if you are new to Chinese teas, this would also be a good tea to start your experience with.