Iced Drinks
In was confirmed in the news this week that this May has been the hottest in the UK on record! It certainly makes a nice change from all that snow we were having a couple of months ago… How have you been coping with the heat? Here at the Tea House we have found the best way to manage is to drink copious quantities of ice tea! With so many infusions to choose from, we have enjoyed exploring different flavour combinations and sampling new concoctions and have created a number of truly delicious drinks for you guys.
Don’t worry, we still have the classics, such as iced coffee and iced matcha latte, but what we’re really excited about is the drinks we have developed through our teas, such as our blended ice chai latte, our green tea mojito, and our peach tea lemonade. We won’t be giving away the secret recipes here, but we can assure you they are absolutely delightful! Generally, we cold brew the teas that we use for our ice drinks, as we have found that the brew has a sweeter, fuller flavour. Usually, iced drinks contain tonnes of added sugars, so cold brews are a great option for those of us trying to cut down. Cold brews also contain a lot less caffeine, and are much higher in anti-oxidants and vitamin C.
Cold brews need to steep for quite a while – we usually leave ours overnight – and as a result, new flavours develop, giving the teas extra depth. Its easy to combine different blends, and you can get creative and add other ingredients to the mix too. We have found that citrus fruits, berries and mint all make great additions.
The other great thing about cold brews is that they make a great base for cocktails. We’re currently in the process of developing our cocktail menu, and you can be sure that cold brewed tea will make an appearance.
Drop in and cool off with us!