Tea for Muscle and Joint Pain

Looking for the perfect drink to counteract the hustle and bustle of the London rat race? Our Aching Muscles Tea is just for you! Deliciously refreshing and just as effective, it will soothe your aches and pains at the end of a hard day.

Camellia’s Aching Muscles Tea is the perfect tonic for many pains and works wonders for all kinds of muscle strains. A deliciously light and refreshing infusion, it is the combination of chamomile and lemongrass in the infusion that really helps to soothe the body after a hard day. Chamomile is a magic little bud and has been used for centuries in the treatment of anxiety and insomnia, however here its anti-inflammatory and anti-irritant properties are being harnessed. The calming and mood enhancing effects of lemongrass work in conjunction with the chamomile to provide quick and noticeable relief, not to mention the zesty, fragrant and slightly spicy lemongrass wonderfully off-setting the mild and buttery chamomile. The inclusion of oat straw; rich in protein, magnesium, calcium, silica and iron, and refreshing spearmint give a cooling finish to the brew, simultaneously strengthening and relaxing a tired frame.

We put our bodies through small endurance tests every day, whether when carrying home a load of shopping, running for that last tube or even leaning over a desk from nine to five. It all adds up, and we could all do with taking more care of our joints. Camellia’s Aching Muscles Tea is a simple and effective way to start doing this, try a mug first thing when you get through the door at night and you’ll soon feel the benefit, or, if you can convince (read: trick) your loved one into giving you a massage, then a mug of Aching Muscles would compliment it perfectly.


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