Yes To Life - the Integrative Cancer Charity
Yes to Life’s mission is to empower people with cancer to make informed decisions about their care options. Founded by Robin Daly, over a decade ago, they have provided evidence-based information and support to those in need. Most importantly, Yes to Life offers individual support through:
- a phone helpline
- their website which is packed with supportive information and resources
- blogs and publications on cancer care and complementary therapies
- their book, The Cancer Revolution
- the Yes to Life Radio Show on UK Health Radio
- cancer care podcasts with specialists and healthcare professionals
- workshops, talks, events and conferences
- connecting people to a wide range of specialist therapies and practitioners that are localised to them through an extensive directory

Camellia's Tea House's Pledge to Yes To Life
Camellia’s Tea House, in collaboration with Yes to Life and leading scientists and therapists, has developed a range of dosaged Therapy Teas in support of people living with chronic diseases such as cancer. Camellia’s Tea House has pledged to donate to Yes to Life from every cup of Therapy Tea served and bought. We are proud to help people through our partnership and hope that any donation made to Yes to Life through our sales or donations will be able to help fund this highly valuable resource supporting those living with cancer.

2021 London Marathon - Camellia's sponsors Tom Goudemant
Camellia’s Tea House also supports Yes to Life through charitable fund raising, recently we supported Yes to Life by a colleague participating in the 2021 London Marathon. Our runner Tom Goudemant – a 19-year-old, full-time triathlete from Belgium – completed the Marathon in a fast-paced time and as well as raising valuable sponsorship funds for our cancer care charity, he also received high level media exposure for Yes to Life by finishing early in the professional runners group.